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Crux is a word-guessing game. To win, reveal the 3 missing words.

New Game

Enter words to guess. Each guess applies to all 3 words. Only letters matching in the exact position will be revealed.

Guessing Words

Neighbouring words are related.
Sometimes they are synonyms.


Sometimes they form a compound word or common phrase.

Compound Words Phrases

You have unlimited guesses to win the game and continue your streak.

If you solve the puzzle with 8 guesses or less you'll win the GOLDEN CRUX, and gain access to a very special puzzle.


Stuck? Use the keyboard colours.
Blue Key This letter has not been tried yet.
Dark Key This letter is NOT hidden in the puzzle.
Yellow Key This letter is still hidden in the puzzle somewhere.

Still stuck? Use the HINT button. Or try a few random words; they don't need to fit.

How to add Crux as an app on mobile:
Click and "Add to Home Screen"

Questions? Problems? Feedback?
Want to submit a puzzle of your own?

[Crux v6.005/0.000
You won in X ⚡guesses!
You won the 🐱Beans Award of eXcellence!
Share Results Crux-of-the-Month
Don't forget to add the Crux app:
Click and "Add to Home Screen"
Next Crux in
You won the Crux-of-the-Month!
Incorrect guess.

Win gold tomorrow and try again!
April 2024

Tap a block to reveal a portion of a clue, starting with Clue #1.

You must meet the minimum Win Streak displayed.

You won GOLD, which grants you access to the Crux-of-the-Month, a visual puzzle.

Every time you win GOLD, you may:
- Reveal 1 panel Reveal a Panel by clicking on it, and
- Attempt 1 guess at solving this puzzle.

No keyboard hints this time, but the two-word solution will fit the entry boxes exactly.

This one's a slow-burn. You have all month to chip away at it. Don't expect to solve it on Day 1. Good luck!

The imPuzzible
You solved the Impuzzible! And won a...?

Hmm... I wonder what this could be for...
You're done Crux-of-the-Month already?!
That means you're in the top echelon of Cruxians. Congratulations!
Sounds like you need a bigger challenge...

The imPuzzible

- FIRST: Click to reveal one panel, like before.

- THEN: Click any two panels to swap their positions. This puzzle is jumbled. Closing the window (click the X) will save the positions for next time.

- FINALLY: Once all the panels are revealed and the puzzle is put back together, then you can try to solve it.

Be warned: these are HARD. But they also won't disappear at the end of the month. They will always be here waiting for you, should you finish early again.

Version Update: Crux v6.003

Fixed an issue where Panel reveals weren't saving.

Added instructions for how to add Crux as an app on mobile.